Institute for Decision-Making
Innovative concepts
Evidence-based solutions
We understand economics as the result of decisions made by all market players, and companies as the sum of all decisions made by their employees.
Many of our decisions are demonstrably based on assumptions and opinions and often lead to poor results and failures. It is time to replace these decision patterns with facts and evidence. Behavioral economics provides us with both. We just have to use it. This is what we are fighting for!
We are an innovative service company and our customers include international companies in Switzerland and abroad. We have exclusive expertise in the practical application of behavioral economic and psychological research. The HUMAN DECISION DESIGN MODEL® developed by us combines over 30 years of our own sales experience with over 50 years of behavioral research. We enable our customers to use the knowledge of human decisions and their design available today for their business needs.
Our team consists of the two founders and managing directors Reto Blum and Michael Frey. Thanks to our more than eight years of cooperation, we have succeeded in ideally combining our complementary skills. We are convinced that sales (and by this we mean sales, marketing, product management and the online channel) is the decisive success factor in every company. We are also convinced that it can only be successful in the long term if its employees are familiar with their customers’ purchase decision processes and know how to actively shape them.

RETO BLUM, lic. iur.
Decision architect
Behavioural economist
Sales expert
Reto Blum has been supporting and advising sales staff, decision makers and entrepreneurs for over 16 years.
He is passionate about the business challenges surrounding sales, markets, product design and business models. He is an innovative doer, lateral thinker and visionary whose strengths lie in communication, collaboration and solution development.
He has been a behavioural economist and decision architect since 2015 and today has profound expert knowledge in the design of decisions. He brings with him over 20 years of sales and management experience in various functions and skilfully combines this wealth of experience with the latest findings in behavioral research. With this rare expertise, he advises companies in all industries, leads workshops, lectures at various universities and regularly appears as a keynote speaker in Switzerland and nearby countries.
Business Analyst
Training expert
Sales expert
Michael Frey knows the challenges in sales and sales management very well from his activities as customer consultant, key account manager and sales manager. As a training manager, Structogram® and sales trainer and adult educator, he is intensively involved in the further development of employees, transformation and change processes in organizations.
As a business economist and trained business analyst, his strengths lie in analysis and conception, as well as in the creative and rapid development of ideas and solutions. He combines his experience with behavioural economics insights, thus advising companies in various industries and has training mandates at various educational institutions in Switzerland.

Customer Centricity
The design of purchase decisions is customer centric in pure culture. Because we consistently align everything from product to sales with the behavior of the customer.
Decision-makers bear a great responsibility. We make sure that this is not only perceived by us but also by our customers.
Lifelong learning
Behavioral economics teaches us to recognize our own inadequacies and weaknesses. That is why we constantly review what we do and how we do it. This is the only way we can become better.
We are practitioners and see methods and science as tools and not as dogmas. Our heart beats for the core of a matter and not for its perfect interpretation.